
Climate Change, Tipping Points, and Crises of the Imagination

An invitation to Co-futuring

Futuring-workshop by Dr. Manjana Milkoreit

Propelled by concerns about climate change and a ‘crisis of imagination’, future thinking and climate change imaginaries have become vibrant topics of research in environmental social science. In this seminar, Manjana will briefly introduce the conceptual and practical challenges related to imagining climate futures, and she invites participants to engage in future imagination with me. Using current IPCC scenarios of future climate change (RCPs) and socio-economic change (SSPs) at the global scale as a starting point, participants will be prompted use a set of participatory, story-based futures methods to collectively imagine the future of city life in Denmark. These methods can create meaningful information about the future at the local scale, which could inform personal behavioral choices, public deliberation and policy making or economic decision-making. The session’s aim is to allow participants to experience the challenges of future thinking and the potential benefits of specific methods and tools that are intended to support collective imagination in the context of climate change.

In preparation for the workshop, participants are asked to reflect on the following two questions: 

  1.  Which sources and kinds of scientific information do you use (if any) to think about possible future climatic conditions in Copenhagen around 2050?
  2.  How do you imagine life in Copenhagen in 2050?

The seminar is aimed at 70i30 partners.

More information about Dr. Manjana Milkoreit here:

26. september 2023
9.30 - 12.00
Registration is closed