
Nordic Climate Neutrality: The future of transport biofules in the Nordics

A webinar on biofuels and its alternatives.

Science calls for immediate and deep emission reductions across all sectors to avoid accelerating climate change. Hence, countries that have the tools, know-how and institutional and financial capacity must step up and lead by example. The Nordic region is well prepared to take on this responsibility and has a strong track record of leading by example. 

In this webinar series on Nordic climate neutrality, we will share insights on a set of topics of relevance for achieving climate neutrality in the Nordic region, aiming to share experiences and inspire across borders. This webinar is the second in the series.


The future of transport Biofuels in the Nordics

Biofuels have been one of the key tools to cut emissions from road transport in the Nordic countries. However, concerns about fuel prices and sustainability have led to some countries revisiting their plans. The webinar discusses the future of biofuel blending obligations and the alternatives Nordic policymakers have available.


08:30: Opening and technical issues with Oras Tynkkynen, Tyrsky Consulting

08:35: Welcoming words with Maja Cederlund, Project Leader, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

08:40: State of play on biofuels in the Nordics with Henrik Gudmundsson, Senior Advisor, CONCITO

08:50: Keynote presentation 1: the blending obligation and its alternatives with Katarina Wärmark, Climate Analyst, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

09:05: Keynote presentation 2: the potential of synthetic fuels in the Nordics with Jacob Munch, Adviser, Nordic Energy Research

09:20: Short reactions from Nordic stakeholders

  • From Finland: Kimmo Salminen, Vice President Pricing and Market Intelligence, Neste
  • From Norway: Wilhelm Kiil Rød, Public Affairs Manager St1 Norway
  • From Sweden: Julia Hansson, Senior Project Leader and Expert, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL)

09:35: Q&A and discussion on possibilities for Nordic cooperation


Nordic Stocktake and Vision

The webinar series is a part of the project “Nordic Stocktake and Vision – Pathways to Climate Neutrality”, carried out by a consortium consisting of the organizations CONCITO, CICERO, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, University of Iceland and Reykjavik University, and Tyrsky Consulting. The project is a part of the initiative “Climate transition in the Nordics” to support the Nordic Vision 2030. The overall aim of the Nordic Vision is to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.

27. september 2023
8:30 - 10:00